Kent Package Safe S2500
This article is intended to review the Kingsley Park delivery boxes, Kent Package Safe S2500 & S2500i.
More than several companies today are selling parcel delivery boxes but finding the best parcel delivery box is quite difficult. So after digging down deep in the market, we have found one brand with a unique feature. It’s called the Kent Package Safe S2500 and the Kent Package Safe S2500i. A quick glance at this outdoor parcel box you may not notice the feature we found to be most interesting. An insulated insert that can keep your deliveries either cool or warm is what we noticed. Kingsley Park makes two versions of their parcel delivery box, one with an insulated insert the other without.
Kingsley Park is an America-Based company that has its headquarters situated in Ohio. According to their website, Kingsley Park package delivery boxes are proudly made in the USA. Kingsley Park is currently specializing in manufacturing of outdoor parcel boxes. Mail posts, outdoor furniture and outdoor structures are new products on their horizon. On their website at this moment, Kingsley Park is offering two package delivery boxes: Kent Package Safe S2500 and Kent Package Safe S2500i. Both parcel boxes can be used along with the BoxLock smart lock. If you would like more information about BoxLock smart lock, we wrote an earlier post with more details. These boxes can be secured with traditional locks as well.
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Kingsley Park Package Delivery Box
Every day around the USA and the world, millions of packages are delivered to customers and remain at the doorsteps of the homes unpicked for hours. Therefore to protect your packages from being stolen or damaged by the weather, Kingsley Park package delivery boxes are the ideal outdoor parcel box. The Kent Package Safe S2500 outdoor parcel box is not only stylish but is made up of a durable weather resilient material too. This parcel delivery box is quite spacious, 19 in. x 24.625 in. x 28 in. It’s suitable for a book-size package or a two foot long parcel.
The Kingsley Park package delivery boxes are secure containers that allow you to store small to midsize parcels. An outdoor parcel box is a perfect solution for those packages that do not fit in ordinary mailboxes.
[The Kent Package Safe made our list of Today’s 10 Best Parcel Boxes]
Benefits of Getting a Kent Package Safe
Package delivery boxes are nowadays quite necessary they can help your important packages stay safe and secure. According to 1 in 4 people have been victimized by package thieves. Porch pirates or package thieves aren’t the only reason you should consider a outdoor parcel box. The following are some of the benefits of a parcel delivery box that makes them very desirable.
4. Package delivery boxes can be installed anywhere at your house, while on the other hand a standard mailbox has several regulations in terms of location that were to install it. But with package delivery box it is all up to you that where you install it. Front, side, back of your house, it’s all good. Use delivery signs if you don’t place them in spots that might be obvious to delivery people.
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Benefits For Delivery Companies
A parcel delivery box also will benefit the delivery men and women in a way that they do not have to make several delivery attempts. Bad weather could be one reason a delivery driver won’t leave a package at your home. Be prepared with a parcel box, so they leave the parcel in the parcel delivery box where it stays until the home owner picks it up.
In reality this way it benefits all three parties. The sender, the shipper and of course you the buyer. Firstly, the parcel doesn’t get ruined from the rain or snow or any other weather conditions. You don’t have to worry about your parcel being blown off your step in to a puddle or mud. Also, it’s more likely that the package stays safe from getting lost or stolen. Who wants to be aggravated by lost, stolen or rain soaked parcel? Most people would rather just open their stuff and use what they bought, than call shipping companies and online sellers and have to go over their policy for lost, stolen or damaged shipments.
Kent Package Safe S2500 Package Delivery Box
This Kingsley Park Package Delivery Box is a combination of modern functionality and a classic design that best suits your porch. Kent Package Safe S2500 is a delicately-designed package delivery box that keeps your packages safe from porch pirates and also it has an appealing design. This package delivery box features high quality construction, is weather and fade resistant, durable and its rich color will stay for years. Moreover, this package also includes a latch that is capable of accommodating padlocks and smart locks. What is a BoxLock? We wrote more about the BoxLock in an earlier article.
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Features Of The S2500
Kent Package Safe S2500i Insulated Package Delivery Box
Like Kent Package Safe S2500, this Kingsley Park insulated package delivery box is also a combination of modern functionality and a classic design that best suits your porch.
The Kent Package Safe S2500i is also a delicately designed package delivery box that keeps your packages safe from porch pirates and also it has an appealing design.
The features of this Kingsley Park insulated package delivery box are the same as the S2500 delivery box. A high quality construction, is weather and fade resistant, durable and its rich color will stay for years. Moreover, this package also includes a latch that is capable of accommodating padlocks and smart locks.
The only difference between Kent Package Safe S2500 and Kent Package Safe S2500i is that S2500i offers a insulated removable tote. This allows the Kingsley Park Insulated Package Delivery Box to accommodate deliveries like groceries, pet products, cosmetics, prescriptions, wine and other similar products protected from hot and cold weather.
Features Of The S2500i
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All the above features and pros and cons of this Kingsley Park insulated package delivery box make this unit a great tool for protecting your packages from the porch pirates and poor weather conditions. The Kent Package Safe S2500i is not only weather-resistant but is also an attractive outdoor parcel box. It’s neutral grey color blends with your home’s design. This parcel delivery box has the word “Deliveries” printed on the front. Homeowner may want to purchase delivery signs when using this parcel box.
Unlike Kent Package Safe S2500, this one possesses an extra feature, a insulated removable tote, which makes it suitable for keeping perishables like groceries and pet food cool. Although this one is a slightly more money than S2500 it comes with what amounts to be an Insulated cooler bag. Both products have the same storage space. The only difference is the cooler bag insert. With home grocery delivery on the rise this feature separates the Kent Package Safe S2500i from the rest.
In short, if you are searching for a package delivery box that is durable, attractive, weather resilient and matches your home’s style then Kingsley Park Package Safe is what you are looking for. In the long run the parcel delivery box will pay for itself if you shop a lot online. It adds a little piece of mind when you purchase on the internet, knowing your valuables aren’t just laying on your step where anybody could just walk off with them.
[Want A Larger Selection Of Parcel Boxes? Find Your Perfect Match Here!]
The Kingsley Park Package Safe isn’t the only parcel box on the market. These outdoor parcel boxes come in all sorts of styles and sizes. Believe it or not, there are even smart parcel boxes too. What’s a smart parcel box? We wrote about them in an earlier article you can check out here.
You can find all these items referenced above in store simply by typing the product into the search bar.
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Kent Package Safe S2500 By Kingsley Park Outdoor Parcel Box #KingsleyPark #couponsvsdeals
— (@couponsvsdeals) February 27, 2020
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